Sunday, June 14, 2015

Unit Four- Style

Style is the visual art, the way art is portrayed or performed. Style in art is the meaning behind the piece or what the art is telling you. I find that the visual aspect of the art is more interesting than the technique used or the colors of the paint. I feel it gives the entire story and even details of the author and their technique. My favorite piece is "Forget it! Forget Me! by Roy Lichtenstein made in 1962. In his painting he's portraying an almost comic feel with the technique and the voice bubbles. In this piece you can tell the guy is over his girlfriend and whatever she is requesting or mad at. He obviously doesn't want to deal with it anymore. In Roy's other work he uses the same technique of the cartoon look and the words to express meaning towards the art. I have gone to many art shows such as Art Miami, Art Wynwood, and the Palm Beach Art and Antique show and I have seen many pieces of art that resemble Roy Lichenstein. I find his work very comical and eye catching.

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